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Welcome to my humble Multiverse!   


It's me! ^^^^

Hi! Welcome to my humble Multiverse!


My name's Vuk-D and I run this place purely for fun. 

Not much here yet on this portal, since it's under construction, but sure it'd be updated rather often soon!


Type of content to be expected:

• Most likely it's gonna be old content I've gathered in the past years of browsing the internet;

• Hayao Yokogawa's art;

• anything else I'll find acceptable for this kinda website. xx3


Happy New Year!   


News Images: cyfox-fotoof.gif

Happy Mermay!   


News Images: merfoxxo-complete.png

Personal appeal from Musya   


News Images: musya-appeal.png


Vuk-e is now smaller and faster!   


With an SSD update!

News Images: ssd.png

Happy New 2000!   


Err, I meant 2020! xx3

The Return of Blump   


Congrats on returning back, Blump! ^^_^^

Autocompleted Adventures of a Shapeshifting Fox   


Found this fun website, thanks to a friend, that autocompletes your custom snippet of text using neural networks, so I've selected a bunch of fun examples for you to look at :D

The rest you can find here x3



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Member Poll   
Tripedal or bipedal?

80% [4 Votes]

Bipedal :P
Bipedal :P
20% [1 Vote]

Votes: 5
You must login to vote.
Started: 30.10.19

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24-08-2021 08:48

24-08-2021 08:48

17-03-2020 09:50

08-11-2019 04:13
*boops Vlux*

08-11-2019 03:45
*Bounces through* Pfft

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